Centering Activities | The Examen
Here are some prayer activities based on Ignatian’s Daily Examen. They are centering activities that help us be able to better notice what God is doing in, through, and around our bodies.
The road to shalom is long and difficult. This is not the way the world was intended to be. This is not the way the world will always be. Love is overcoming hate. Light is breaking through the darkness. Slow down. Breathe deeply. You are not alone.
“In the examen of consciousness we prayerfully reflect on the thoughts, feelings, and actions of our days to see how God has been at work among us and how we respond.” – Richard Foster
Morning Examen
1. Turn inward to self, knowing God works in and through our bodies and emotions.
2. Do a full body and emotion scan. Finish this statement with as many descriptors as you can. Repeat for each different feeling. Today I feel ____________.
3. Pause to breathe deeply.
4. Pay attention to the big and small gifts in your life. It could be the taste of a bite of food, the warmth of a relationship, a miracle you witnessed and more. Finish this statement: Today I’m thankful for _________________.
5. Pause to breathe deeply.
6. Turn inward to God, knowing God is not distant.
7. Write a prayer engaging your feelings and your gratitude.
Midday Examen
1. Turn inward to self, knowing God works in and through our bodies and emotions.
2. Do a full body and emotion scan. Finish this statement with as many descriptors as you can. Repeat for each different feeling. As I have gone about the day, I’m feeling __________.
3. Turn inward to God, knowing God is not distant.
4. Finish this statement: Thus far today, I’ve noticed God’s presence in _____________. Note that God often connects to us in small and subtle ways. Nothing is too small to name!
5. As you look towards the second half of the day, Do you need to make any “holy disruptions” in your day to today to help you be able to pay closer attention to God’s work in and around you?
6. Write a prayer asking God to equip you with the tools you need to be more deeply connected to God, self, and others.
End of Day Examen
1. Turn inward to self, knowing God works in and through our bodies and emotions.
2. Where have you seen God at work in and through you today? Pay close attention to the little, subtle things you’ve experienced.
3. Look back at the day with gratitude. List things for which you are thankful. It can be big like a promotion. It can be small like savoring a bite of delicious food.
4. What are some of the emotions and feelings you are carrying with you as you move towards the end of the day?
5. Turn inward to God, knowing God is not distant.
6. Write or say a prayer reflecting on what you noticed in you as you responded to the previous prompts.
7. Continue the prayer by turning your attention to tomorrow. How do you want to enter into the next day? Ask God to be your guide.